As part of Xero's commitment to ‘Building on Beautiful’ — which is about continuously upgrading technology to build new features faster, giving the platform a consistent look and feel, and making sure we keep accessibility top of mind — Xero are refreshing the bills experience.
Last year, they updated the ‘import’ page in bills. Next on the list is ‘Bills to pay’. Here are some of the changes you can expect to see on this page in the months ahead.
When previewing bills in the list, you will now only be able to preview one file at a time, rather than several. This change has been made so the files being previewed don’t obstruct the list of bills. We appreciate this update may take some getting used to. However, changes like this are an important step in our journey towards making Xero more accessible.
Some functionality previously available on the repeating tab will not be available straight away, but will be reintroduced once our technology upgrade is complete in the months ahead. This includes being able to search, filter and preview files directly within the repeating bills tab. In the meantime, you can use Ctrl+F to search on this page.
You will still be able to access the repeating template from the repeating tab as well as other list pages, (depending on the status of the bill) just as you do now. You will also be able to search for repeating bills in these tabs.
Let us know what you think of the changes! If you have any questions or we can help you with any Xero support, please get in touch.
Email the team or call 01858 289 189.
Thanks for stopping by,
Charlotte & The Business Hut Team